Lawn Mowing Tips

Proper cutting techniques are absolutely essential to a healthy Lawn.

As the intensity of summer heat changes during the growing season, so will the rate at which your lawn grows, therefore it’s necessary to change the frequency of cutting.

Here are a some tips that will help you manage your lawn like an expert.


  • Cut at a height of 2.5 to 3 inches. Mowing at these hieghts allows your lawn to shade out newly germinated weed seeds. Turfgrass root depth is also deeper in lawns that are mowed high.
  • Never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade, otherwise stress will result in browning.
  • Mow Frequently (every 4 to 7 days). Spring time requires more frequent cutting because a large percentage of total growth occurs in the spring time.
  • Mow in different patterns to avoid rutting or tire marks. Going over the same set of tire marks compacts the soil and inhibits good turf growth.
  • Sharpen the mower blade regularly to avoid shredding the grass. A dull blade creates a ragged cut that caused the lawn to look brown, and promotes disease problems.
  • Mulch clippings back into the lawn. Clipping are predominately water, provide a free feeding and do not contribute to thatch accumulation when the lawn is mowed regularly. If clippings clump up, pick them up.
  • Mow when the lawn is dry. It’s difficult to get a clean cut when the lawn is wet, and mowing a lawn when it is wet can spread some fungal turfgrass diseases.
  • Make your last cut before winter short – cut when the lawn is dormant, at 1.5 inches high. This also encourages tree leaves to blow through your lawn and avoid dead spots.